PSL Engineering, LLC, has been assessing medical center compliance with the Life Safety Code (NFPA 101) for more than 18 years.
Life Safety Code analysis and Joint Commission Statement of Conditions (SOC) preparation is PSL Engineering’s core business. Our team compiles SOC documents, participates in Joint Commission surveys, and provides related code interpretation. Our firm has helped many healthcare, business, education, and industrial facilities nationwide comply with National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) codes.
We can help ensure your compliance by assisting in producing and maintaining appropriate SOC documents. We conduct comprehensive on-site surveys to assess your facility's level of compliance with the Life Safety Code and SOC, and we develop detailed reports identifying each deficiency, its location, and a recommended action plan. The report becomes a working tool for you in maintaining compliance.
Our Specific Services Include:
Reviews of the SOC process with your group
On-site life safety assessments of all facilities surveyed under Joint Commission standards, with
follow-up recommendations
Complete written reports, including full sets of facility drawings, identified deficiencies, Basic Building
Information (BBI), detailed life safety assessments, and completed Plan For Improvement (PFI) forms
Updates to your existing SOC, reviews of your maintenance programs, and recommendations to address
any deficiencies identified
On-site participation as a life safety representative during Joint Commission surveys (if on-site
participation is not practical, phone support is also available during your surveys)
Verification of life safety building systems, including full sets of facility drawings detailing locations of all
life safety components, such as smoke and fire barriers
Assisting in the interpretation of Joint Commission standards and NFPA codes to determine specific
compliance needs of your buildings
Assistance in preparing traditional equivalences and waivers
Custom-tailored programs to meet the unique needs of your facility
Those of you working outside of healthcare can also benefit from our expert life safety reviews. We have experience handling code concerns for educational and business settings, so let us know what your specific needs are.
PSL Engineering, LLC understands the life safety concerns of your organization and brings a proven track record of successful results.